332 6th Avenue SW, Suite 900 Calgary, AB, T2P 0B2
Carscallen LLP

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Catherine Crang, K.C.




  • Bachelor of Arts, Honours, Carleton University, 1990
  • Bachelor of Laws, University of Alberta, 1994

professional associations

  • Law Society of Alberta
  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Calgary Bar Association
  • CBA Natural Resources Subsection
  • CBA Employment Law Subsection
  • CBA Managing Partner Subsection
  • CBA Charities and Not-for-Profit Subsection
  • Canadian Energy Law Foundation
  • Lawyers Associated Worldwide

representative work

  • As a lawyer with over 25 years at the bar, Cathy has acquired extensive experience in negotiating, resolving and litigating a wide variety of commercial disputes at every stage of the dispute resolution process. Cathy’s mandate for her clients is to take ownership over their legal problems and to become invested in solving them in a way that makes practical sense.
  • Cathy takes care to provide the best possible service she can to her clients to ensure effective business solutions and successful results.
  • Counsel in complex commercial disputes, oil and gas litigation, arbitrations, mediations and regulatory proceedings.
  • Broad experience and expertise in employment matters and regularly provides advice about employment agreements, wrongful dismissals, restrictive covenants, human rights, fiduciary duties, injunction proceedings and breach of confidence issues.
  • Counsel to plaintiffs in successful claim for breach of oil and gas asset purchase and sale agreement.
  • Counsel to plaintiffs in advancing claims in relation to an alleged misappropriation of confidential and proprietary information.
  • Counsel to client in case involving alleged misappropriation of corporate business opportunities.
  • Counsel to a property manager who purchased commercial properties in relation to alleged breaches by the vendor of non-competition provisions contained in the purchase and sale agreement.
  • Counsel for exploration and production company and working interest owner in relation to a complex oil and gas litigation case involving claims made by freeholders and top lessees that certain petroleum and natural gas leases had terminated, and for related damages: Stewart Estate v TAQA North Ltd., 2015 ABCA 357; 2013 ABQB 691.
  • Counsel for a Canadian supplier of natural gas in an arbitration relating to a natural gas pricing dispute with a Canadian power producer under a long-term natural gas purchase and sale agreement.
  • Counsel in shareholder dispute involving alleged oppressive conduct in the context of a Unanimous Shareholders Agreement.
  • Counsel to a unit owner in respect of a multi-million dollar lawsuit concerning operatorship and accounting practices, which was resolved through negotiation.
  • Counsel to a large charitable organization in relation to general litigation matters, employment matters and other ongoing project work.
  • Counsel in a dispute under a pooling and farmout agreement with respect to earning wells and alleged breaches of the agreement.
  • Counsel in a dispute under a unit agreement concerning the alleged inclusion of certain wells in the unit agreement.
  • Counsel in interlocutory applications concerning the interpretation of the new Alberta Rules of Court relating to the exchange of trial expert reports and reopening cases.
  • Counsel in relation to a dispute concerning the termination of an international natural gas purchase and sale agreement and related power purchase agreements.
  • Counsel in relation to a dispute concerning the frustration and termination of natural gas purchase and sale agreements as a result of the deregulation of the Ontario electricity market.
  • Acted as lead counsel for the plaintiffs in a dispute regarding operators’ duties, fiduciary obligations, and gross negligence in the context of the 1990 CAPL industry agreement: Adeco Exploration v. Hunt Oil Company of Canada Inc. [2008] A.J. No. 836 (C.A.).
  • Counsel for Avenir Diversified Income Trust in Decision 2006-021 issued by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (now the Alberta Energy Regulator) in relation to an application for a common carrier order and for the setting of the related transportation fee.
  • Counsel to a US-based natural gas distribution company, as the buyer of natural gas, in several international gas pricing arbitrations, conducted in accordance with the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Arbitration.
  • Counsel to the purchaser of natural gas under a long term natural gas purchase and sale agreement in a dispute that was dealt as an UNCITRAL arbitration.
  • Active in all areas of commercial and general litigation, corporate litigation, oil and gas litigation, and employment law.
  • Active in all areas of dispute resolution outside of formal litigation, and regularly retained by clients to settle cases independent of litigation and to assist in resolution of litigation disputes.
  • Currently represents clients in relation to a variety of oil and gas litigation matters including disputes concerning operator duties, fiduciary duties, lease interpretation, joint ventures, unit agreements, pooling agreements, farmout agreements, accounting, royalties, and other contractual issues.
  • Has served as counsel in a variety of domestic and international commercial and energy arbitrations.
  • Provides advice about termination pay, wrongful dismissal, and constructive dismissal.
  • Provides advice in relation to the negotiation and drafting of employment severance agreements.
  • Drafts employment agreements, independent contractor agreements and restrictive covenants.
  • Provides advice on restrictive covenants and related enforcement and injunction issues in relation thereto.
  • Has appeared before all levels of court in Alberta, in addition to various regulatory boards, mediators and arbitrators.

community involvement

  • Volunteer, Canadian Diabetes Association
  • Rosedale Community Association Board of Directors
  • Donor to and Member of the Lake Manitou Area Association, Manitoulin Island, Ontario
  • Calgary Winter Club
  • Volunteer, The Mustard Seed
  • Volunteer, the Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Rosedale Elementary School Council (Vice Chair and member-at-large)
  • Rosedale Community Playschool Society Board of Directors
  • Assistant Coach, recreational community soccer
  • Judge of 4H public speaking competitions

teaching & publications

  • Advocates Society Instructor - Civil Litigation
  • Human Resources Institute of Alberta Instructor/Moderator
  • Bar Admission Course Instructor - Civil Litigation
  • Recent Judicial Developments of Interest to Oil and Gas Lawyers - Canadian Energy Law Foundation

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